Something Extra
Why Rush Something Extra?

The 2024-2025 school year marks the 48 years of Something Extra at Yale College. As an SSAA group, we are proud to be part of the growing tradition of community and song at Yale.
Here at Yale, we perform in a number of events, including our annual Jam in February and our Parents’ Weekend concert in October, both of which draw crowds of friends, relatives, and music-lovers. Something Extra is well known at Yale for their offbeat humor, so our on-campus concerts promise laughs as well as great music. We also have a fantastic time doing informal concerts with singing groups from other universities when we get the chance.
A big part of what makes Something Extra so unique is the remarkable diversity of interests and backgrounds within the group. The members of Something Extra do it all and love every minute. Need a crash course in guitar? Learn some chords from Isabelle. Work on groundbreaking STEM research with Elizabeth, play a game of soccer with Kate, and practice some dance moves with Anjal. Need some help with math or econ? Aaira and Riley got your back. Take a backpacking trip with Leila! If you could use a good laugh, just spend 10 minutes in the presence of Ava or Graci. And the next time you’re at a Yale theater production, look around—you may find all of us in the audience, escaping our homework to watch Ava-Riley or Sarah light-up center stage.
We could not be more excited to welcome the newest class of singers to campus, and the newest members of Something Extra to our group. See you at auditions!